ICC Kyoto News

News The new dates of the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention
and Criminal Justice (the Kyoto Congress) have been announced.
News ICCA Ranking 2019: Kyoto records the highest ever
According to the ICCA statistics, Kyoto placed in the 35th position worldwide
with 67 international meetings in 2019.
News Notice of ICCK reopening from June 1st
News Notice of the extension of ICCK Temporary Closure, May 7th to May 31th.
News Notice of ICCK Temporary Closure, April 29th to May 5th
News Regarding our measures for the new coronavirus
News Room and Facilities Rental Fees was renewed.
News Announcement regarding nCoV(Novel Coronavirus)
News Our website has been renewed!
The website was designed to be easier to understand and more enjoyable.
News Our New Year's Holiday
Please be informed that we will be closed for the New Year’s Holiday
from December 28 to January 4.

Past Events