Main Hall & Room A

Room Aスクール形式やシアター形式など多様な座席配置が可能な中規模ホール。VIPの接遇に相応しい和の設えの専用控室を設けています。独立した階上席は、報道関係者や一般傍聴者との座席区分が可能で、参加者数の増減にもスムーズに対応します。The seats of this medium-sized hall may be arranged in diverse styles, such as in the likeness of a schoolroom or a theater. The Japanese-style waiting room is ideal for receiving VIPs. The independent gallery seats may be separated from the press and general observers, and easily accommodate an increase or decrease in the number of attendees.政府間・国際機関会議に適した重厚感ある議席机で作る馬蹄形。Substantial desks are arrangedin the shape of a horseshoe,optimal for conferences ofinter-governmental and internationalorganizations.5写真協力:一般社団法人日本神経学会

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